calling the muses
quote on label:
Find what brings you joy and go there. That is your place to create, to move with the spirit, for the Muse lingers near the home of our joy.
~ Jan Phillips
color: pastel pink with lavender swirls
scent: lilac and rain
gemstones: amethyst, prehnite
Every person on the planet is a creative being. So many of our everyday tasks are acts of creativity: writing a report, talking with a child, giving a presentation, cooking a meal, getting dressed (unless you're a candle-maker, in which case you throw on sweats and maybe matching socks). Some of us create in other ways, using paint, cameras, words, ink, music, wax, yarn, clay, wood, visual software, fabric, paper, dance. And, the truth is, everyone has dry spells that are deeply frustrating~they are simply a natural part of the process.
The intention of calling the muses is to serve you as you call upon the central spark of creativity within your Self to give expression to itself. Don't be afraid to look silly or experiment or change as you move towards the home of your joy. Creativity has no rules~it is simply the uninhibited expression of your spirit in the moment.
True Confession: Unlike most candles, calling the muses took several months between conception and birth. For the life of me I couldn't find the perfect quote expressing the intention of the candle. But when the time isn't right, no amount of effort will bring forth a creation before its time. As the quote on the creative fire says: "My work is giving space to the creative spirit~learning to get out of its way and be in its service at the same time." Creativity is a journey and a process, and there's no right or wrong.